Return & Refund Policy
Cancellation Policy:
1. In case there is an order cancellation, please do so before it is shipped. Once the product is shipped it can not be cancelled using our website
Return Policy:
1. Exchange is available for selected products only, the exchange information is available on the product page on the website. The exchange policy of a product can be changed without prior notice.
2. In case we do not have pick up service available at your location, you would have to self-ship the product to our office Address. 3. Exchange charges may apply on case to case basis.
NOTE FOR Exchange
• The items should be unused and unwashed for hygiene reasons.
• The product should have the original packaging and tags in place. Items without the original tags will not be accepted. (Unboxing video with video creation timeline is mandatory for return)
• Customized products cannot be exchanged
. Exchange requests that are not raised within the return period (Refer product page)